Harness the power of listening.

A boutique nonprofit consulting firm was reaching a major growth point, but the founder felt that, to achieve that growth in a focused and sustainable way, it was time to rebrand and do a better job of telling the firm’s story.

I worked directly with the founder to help hone the firm’s brand identity and elevator pitch. The new name of the firm, Ekouté, is inspired by the French word for “listen”. This inspiration is relevant in large part because much of the firm’s focus is on helping nonprofits and foundations to more organically integrate direct client feedback into their programs and strategies.

Once we settled on the right brand story, I served as lead writer and content strategist on Ekouté’s new website. After going live, the site helped to bring the firm more of the right kinds of projects and achieve the sustainable, brand-focused growth the founder was seeking.

See the project here.